Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why Do I Scream?

Why do I feel as though I have to do drastic things to get even a few people's attention? I have tried calm. I have tried loving. I have tried peaceful, tolerant, patient and all the rest of the happy horseshit that goes along with pacifism. I scream because I have noticed from when I was a very little girl that most people in this country seem to be asleep. For the silly people-not REALLY sleeping but asleep mentally as if lulled into a permanent dream-state. It frightens me! I mean fuck! Half the population has the same routine-get up to an alarm after hitting snooze 3-4 times, pour a cup of coffee, get dressed and do 9-5, come home, eat, watch the news till bed-y-bye and then do it again. I have noticed screaming in the real or proverbial sense wakes up the walking dead. The people who have been so mesmerized by late night TV that they don't know anything anymore.
People. I am screaming because I love you. Wake up. Don't fade away until you rot in a box. Stand for something. Make your life great. Connect with others, try to change something for the better, help somebody, fall in love ( even if it might hurt), breathe in the fucking air because it will all pass you by. Are you so asleep that you will retaliate agaist this as well just to go sit in front of the TV???

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